私がこの「号外版その2」を用意したのは、2015年(平成27年)7月28日のThe Japan Timesの記事:‘Zekka’
fuels debate on ‘Son of Sam’
Japan Timesは、この点について、つぎのように報道しています(3頁5〜6欄)。“If those options
exist, is there any merit in introducing a Son of Sam law?
Tokyo-based lawyer Hiroaki Hoshino, for one, believes a Son
of Sam law in Japan would help victims, including next of
kin, acquire criminals’ royalties much faster and more
easily than they can at present.・・・For example, the Japanese
version of the law can be implemented in such a way that you
can skip the normal procedure for a damage suit after filing
an initial complaint, and just wait until authorities take
away royalties from offenders and hand them over to you
第2点。損害賠償命令申立て制度を改良すべきではないか?The Japan
Timesは、この点について、つぎのように報道しています(3頁4〜5欄)。“Are there any measures
in place in Japan to keep criminals from profiting from the
publicity of their crimes? Yes, there are laws banning
criminals from profiting from their crimes, but the statutes
are only applied to organized or drug-related crimes(2).
General crime victims can sue accused offenders for damages
in civil litigation outside of criminal trial
proceedings.・・・the government, as part of efforts to empower
victims, established a system in 2008 that purported to
spare victims the hassle being involved in initiating a
damage lawsuit and collecting evidence. But the system,
lawyer Masatami Otsuka pointed out, tends to be disregarded
by judges and unfortunately remains underutilized.”
第3点 被害者側の加害者側に対する損害賠償請求権は時効にかからない、とすべきではないか? たとえば、今回のいわゆる酒鬼薔薇事件の場合、被害者側が加害者「少年A」対して損害賠償を請求するとすれば、そのような損害賠償請求権はすでに時効によって消滅している、とされるかも知れません。The
Japan Timesは、この点について、上記第1点に関するTokyo-based lawyer Hiroaki
Hoshino の提案を紹介しています。